Knee Jerks

Rick Warren wrote a wonderful, inspirational book, The Purpose Driven Life. Anyone who read it could not help but be reflective of their own life. His message effected many people, believers and non believers across the nation. That being said, this does not mean that his readers need to agree with all of his positions in order to derive inspiration from his book. I believe you take away what is convicted to you, and throw the rest away. The idea that because he has been selected by Obama to deliver the invocation at the Presidential swearing -in ceremony requires that his religious beliefs should represent those of every individual American is absurd. Nor do they need to represent and not conflict with every one of Obama's personal beliefs. If this was the criteria for selecting friends and associates, we would all be alone.
This is simply more knee jerk reactions from special interests groups, demonstrating form over substance. Rick Warren is a good man and a nationally recognized spiritual author and religious leader. His delivery of the ceremonial invocation will in no way effect the pro-choice/pro-life debate or the gay relationship issue. I, personally, do not align with many of his beliefs, but I am able to recognize that my disagreement with his positions does not make him unfit to offer prayer for the Presidency. Did anyone listen to Obama's message of tolerance and inclusion? Perhaps Barack Obama is modeling for the nation his ability to include and embrace those who disagree with him, while working towards primary change and influence on a much deeper level. It is known as "not just talking the talk, but walking the walk."
I think it is high time the special interest knee jerks cease their moaning and groaning and focus their energies, instead, on walking their walks in this imperfect world climate in order to bring about effectual impacts on beliefs and opinions.


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