The Coulter Conspiracy

I'll say it up front, my whine is Anne Coulter and the media venues that give her a free soap box to spread her hate mongering. I am an ACLU believer in the right to free speech. I don't think that anything is more sacred in protecting individual rights. In England, all you have to do is literally pull up a soap box in the park and speak your mind. No problems, no penalties, unless it is a murderous threat against the Queen. If radio stations choose to pay Howard Stern and Don Imus to be shock jocks, then I can choose not to tune in or support them. I happen to see no constructive purpose to these people, other than to incite more hate and antagonism in the world, but that is my opinion. They have their followers and those followers know what they are going to get when they tune into the station.

However, when it comes to mainstream television shows such as The Today Show and The View choosing to promote this woman and her book, Guilty, I have a problem. Would they have chosen to bring on David Duke, the KKK leader and politician from Lousiana, to promote a book on the merits of joining the Ku Klux Klan ? Does anyone think that a balanced "debate" is even possible when Anne Coulter is a guest on the show? Are Anne Coulter and her book worthy of being guest position news simply because it is shocking and controversial? Let Anne Coulter get her own show to promote her ideas and her followers can tune in all day. I do not believe Ann Coulters ideas nor her presentation of them represent enough of the populist to deserve to sully the morning talk shows with her dominating, hate-filled ideas. The Today Show and The View have choices, and I find their choosing to promote Coulter a bit perplexing.

If you don't know what I am talking about, I am glad you didn't have to listen to it. These aren't intellectually formed ideas that are being presented, these are self promoting shock statements meant to offend everyone but the white supremisist. Anyone who is invited to get on national television and spout off statements about blacks using their blackness to get ahead in the world along with blacks manipulation of the public by making us feel guilty about our mistreaatment of them in the past for the sole purpose of receiving entitlement give aways from the government -- the question is why choose to put this kind of hackneyed crap out on our airways. It isn't censorship. Again, these shows have a choice about who they invite to showcase and they represent certain ethical standards. They aren't just news shows, and Anne Coulter's book is not news worthy of national pronouncement. Then Ms. Coulter went on to discuss Halle Berry spending the majority of her Oscar Award speech inappropriately citing the painful struggle and oppression of blacks as a perfect example of how blacks are trying to make whites feel guilty. She claims she doesn't have to be black to understand how blacks are avoiding responsibility in life by using their "blackness" as their excuse.

PLEASE!!!! Stop Already!!!! Didn't we just elect a black President which was suppose to represent a move toward a national policy of inclusion and diversity acceptance. I know I am capable of getting up and turning off the T.V. or muting my remote when Ms. Coulter comes on. However, when I turn on the Today Show or The View, I don't expect to have to be exposed to variety segments that are truly offensive to the national sensibilities and to a race of people. These rants of Coulter's are not stimulating interesting debate over issues, they merely serve to promote hate. Shame on you, The Today Show and The View. I expected you not to aid the Coulter Conspiracy of spreading hate.
