Dancing With Greed & Teen Pregnancy

I just read that Bristol Palin was paid $262,000 in 2009 to represent Teen Pregnancy! Isn't that special. We now reward teens getting pregnant and having babies out of wedlock by making them the spokes person for teen pregnancy. What is the message? If Bristol Palin, daughter of Sarah Palin (soccer mom) can do it, you can do it too! Here, I want you to meet my son, Tripp. Is there no end to greed and what people will do to make money? Doesn't this give a message to other teens that perhaps they can get famous by having a baby out of wedlock, too. What is the message? It is not, don't have an abortion, and put your accidental baby up for adoption . Bristol didn't put her son up for adoption. She has wealthy, famous parents who can afford to take care of the baby of an out of wedlock pregnancy. But most teens who get pregnant do not have such options. It would certainly be hypocritical of Bristol if her message was "use birth control," for she certainly didn't. She can't promote abstinence, since that would be equally hypocritical. She certainly didn't practice abstinence. So what is the $262,000 value of her message - what is it that she has to say about teen pregnancy that she is living herself? This is the lowest of the low in greed - Dancing With The Stars is one thing - but getting $262,000 to be the spokesperson for Teen Pregnancy nationally is beyond my comprehension. I never knew the country was into promoting teen pregnancy so vigorously.


  1. Totally agree!! Glad you are back blogging. Didn't realize you are writing a book....wonderful news!! Hope you are well.


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