Dear Bill Maher

Dear Bill Maher:

I have watched you for as many years as you have been featured on television.  In fact, you once asked to meet me when you saw me dining in an Aspen restaurant.  I understand your HBO concept perfectly:  you are first a comedian inciting commentary on a variety of political and world issues while using your panels as your straight men to produce provocative stimuli tempered by comedy.  Sometimes you deviate, and are strictly a pundit yourself.  Obviously, it works or you would not have stayed on air so long.  I truly enjoy your program and think it provides a much needed balance to the Fox fare on TV and radio today. 

However, (you knew there was about to be a “but”), as a viewing audience member I sometimes feel arrogantly demeaned by you.  There is an intolerance of others’ views along with a personal agenda of yours that not only denigrates much of your viewing audience, but detracts from your own credibility as a comic and a pundit.  This aspect is only present during less than 10% of the show, but it tends to taint the preceding banter. 

Whenever a person insists they are “right” and there is no grey area or other co-existing possibilities, I become suspect of their point of view.   I become even more suspect when that person has the need to be evangelistic about their point of view.   Often, your panelists appear too intimidated to challenge you on your intractable, intolerant position. 

The issue is your Atheism.  I accept and respect that you are an Atheist.  There is no need for me to attempt to convert you to believing in any kind of Higher Power or convert you to any religion.  Your atheistic stance does not offend me whatsoever.  It is your business.  I would never choose to demean you in regard to your beliefs anymore than I would demean a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Taoist, Rastafarian, or a member of the Pentecostal Church for their beliefs.  Everyone has the right to worship or not worship in the manner that he chooses or is individually convicted to him.  That is religious tolerance, which was supposedly the reason we began this country in the first place. 

But you do not demonstrate religious tolerance on your show or in your rhetoric.  You describe those who seek a spiritual connection through their religion or God of choice as ignorant bumpkins who seek magical thinking as some sort of opium for the masses.  You deride believers and laugh at religion derisively, as if Atheists, and you in particular, are the only enlightened ones.   Why do you need me to believe as you do?  And, who are you on a show that promotes freedom of speech and freedom of choice to dismiss all religious affiliations or beliefs as being fairy tales, anti- scientific, having no basis in fact, and that the only true belief system is Atheism?  Isn’t your Fundamentalist Atheist stance as extreme and radical as the Fundamentalist Christian stance, leaving no room for disagreement? 

As to this writer, like you I began my spiritual life being indoctrinated in Christian theology simply because of the family and location where I happened to be born.  While maturing and seeking my own identity I studied world religions and philosophies, and began to formulate a belief system that worked for me.  As I grew older, my spiritual growth and connection to life deepened and adapted to my experience of the world around me.   Science will NEVER be able to prove the non-existence of a Higher Power, God, Allah, or whatever a person chooses to call the source of their beliefs, because it is based on “choosing to believe” – or what is commonly called “faith.”  Faith in a power greater than myself is not necessarily contrary to any science, evolution, the universe, or any fact based ideas as to the origins of life. I don’t even need to define that power, if I simply choose to believe that there is one.  Even looking to the Bible for guidance is not unaligned with science, if a more allegorical approach is taken. 

And the “mysteries of life” are not necessarily “magical thinking.”  There will always be mysteries and miracles in life that simply cannot be explained.  I am an extremely well educated, sophisticated, articulate, well-informed, attractive, upper middle class woman.  I could go toe to toe with you on any matter and would not be nearly as obsequious as your panelists (only because I would not have to fear not being invited back).  But as a viewer, your influence is waning for me, because of your insistence that Atheism is the only reasonable belief system for the intelligentsia.  I was brought up to appreciate that the janitor in the White House was just as important as the President, and they deserved equal respect.  People whose spiritual beliefs differ from yours (unless their objective is to do harm to others) deserve the same respect as you desire for being an Atheist.  



Claire W. Stanard

P.S.  And, yes, I have seen your movie!





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