Anything Goes

I feel great sadness.  I can no longer comprehend man’s inhumanity to mankind.  It is ubiquitous.  Blacks and whites, Jews and Palestinians, Islam extremists and the West, the scorched earth political world, and it has filtered down into interpersonal relationships and the uncivil behavior reflected in all cultures today.  I feel traumatized by the chronic negative input from the media, as well as the uncivil output of the general public in everyday interactions.  Concepts like respect, integrity, character, civility, morality, reputation, and honesty seem to have lost all relevance in today’s society. 


“Anything goes” is the mantra from our world of two year old narcissists, who want what they want when they want it and are determined to get it regardless of the magnitude of the collateral damage.  “Do unto others” no longer carries with it the message of “as you would have others do unto you” but has come to mean “Do unto others whatever you want in order to get what you want or to act out your reactive impulses on others for an anxiety release.”   I feel battered by the constant bullying bombarding my soul.  I am worried for the state of the world and the state of mankind.

