There is something very wrong going on in the USA, and it is well beyond the partisan ideologies of Republicans and Democrats. The problem is the lack of “accountability.” Banks, Big Pharma, and Corporate America no longer believe they need to be accountable to their consumers or the greater welfare of the country which provided them with the opportunities to thrive. Their loyalties are to profits. Our hybrid media formats are no longer accountable for honest journalism; their objectives are sensationalism, ratings, hits, influence, and profits. Bureaucrats, Senators and Congressmen, and our Executive Branch no longer assume their first responsibility is to their constituents. The influx of money into politics and the requirement for huge sums in order to get elected/re-elected have shifted the loyalties of our public representatives. While welcoming business leadership in the White House, it might have been preferable if our present leader had prior experience as the CEO of a public company, whose first responsibility is to its shareholders. The leader of a private company has a level of sole control which is an anathema to our form of democracy. When people have money invested, they demand accountability.

As American taxpayers, we all have a “dog in this hunt.” While I have read many posts lately of friends desiring to be left alone with their loved ones and pets to live a cozy, drama free life, as shareholders in the United States we cannot put our heads in the sand in neglectfully pursuing only our self- interests. Our personal welfare is explicitly tied to the actions of our government representatives, who have fiduciary duties to the American people – regardless of party affiliations. One positive result of the recent election is Americans are re-visiting the Constitution and re-learning basic civics lessons. Parallel to the three branches of government’s sworn duties to us, the citizens of the United States have civic responsibilities in holding our representatives accountable in pursuing the best and most efficient use of our funds in providing for our life, liberty, and happiness. Citizenship does not just provide rights, it imposes duties. Participation is true Patriotism.

There has been an ongoing debate as to whether our elected officials are “delegates” or “trustees.” Although that may sound like an issue of semantics, it is an important distinction. A delegate has an obligation to represent the views of those whom he represents, regardless of his personal opinions. A trustee is chosen as a matter of believing in his personal abilities to exercise good judgments in representing constituents’ interests. One is trusting in the person and the other is entrusting the judgments of the majority to be carried out by the representative. Both require ultimate accountability. Additionally, does a district representative have a duty to represent all of the citizens of his area or only obligated to follow the party platform with which he was affiliated when elected? After watching the House Intelligence Committee interview the FBI Director today, it was clear that Representatives from both parties were merely posturing for re-election and future personal clout. There was no mention of their constituencies’ concerns. Power appears to corrupt in almost every area. Thomas Paine of Common Sense fame argues that not allowing any elected official to remain for any length of time in office will negate the ability for any serious abuse of temporary power. We should all be revisiting these issues and taking appropriate actions.

What happened to common sense and accountability? We all feel helpless today in being able to make an impact on change, because the problems seem too big to effectively solve. The natural instinct is to retreat from the whole mess of government and politics. While it is easy to continually criticize the country and its politicians on the internet, these same angry citizens are often not actively working towards solutions. I believe there are ways to have an impact by using one’s common sense and participating in the process which ensures our basic needs: find an area of interest and get involved right where you are in your own community. Whatever issue matters to you – the environment, education, immigration, bullying, health care, homelessness, infrastructure, equal justice – get involved locally to contribute to solutions and register your concerns with the offices of your elected officials. If your elected representatives continue to ignore the expressed views of their constituents, lobby against them and vote them out of office. Call them out and hold them accountable. And hold yourself accountable for fulfilling your civic duty to your community, your state, and your country. Small contributions add up to major changes. Teach someone to read and you have impacted the number of illiterates in our country.
