While listening to a Christmas orchestra playing carols in the mall, I spotted a three year old little girl dancing right in front of the conductor twirling and swirling to the music with glowing, contagious joy.   At that moment, she was simply her most authentic self.  A 91 year old mother of one of my friends entered my home and an enchanted expression of wonderment suddenly embraced her face as she surveyed my Christmas décor and festive goodies and soaked up the good will.  Without a doubt, she was the youngest spirit at the party.  While in Cozumel for the holidays, I joined three second graders snorkeling for the first time with bug eyed faces of absolute delight and amazement spying the fanciful fish, creeping corals, and the magic of a whole world under the sea.   We were totally lost in the exhilaration and in sync with the environment.   After a day of sun and fun, seventeen extended family members ate fresh lobster rolls at a beach bar and began singing pop rock songs with total abandonment, as sunburned smiles full of laughter and bliss lit up the street corner.   The radiance emanated from our relaxed hearts.   Seven million people have viewed a youtube video of a little boy tearing open a Christmas gift ultimately containing a banana and shouting with pure glee and jubilation in response to this wonderful present.  

As the New Year begins, we all need infusions of joy.   While many seek some form of extended happiness as their ultimate goal, the experience of joy is the ultimate authentic experience of life giving moments of connectedness.   Nothing is amiss; there is no past, nor future; no separation from the world and the present moment.  Joy cannot be purchased, produced, nor predicted.  In my opinion, it is life’s greatest gift.   I can recall a few fleeting moments of joy in my life – unexpected times and situations.  I once had a chunky green tricycle with a purple seat which I was power pedaling on the sidewalk while the wind blissfully blew in my three year old smiling face and my long golden hair slapped me merrily.  Little me and the trike and the heartbeat of the world had all merged into one moment of pure joy.   I have never forgotten that jubilant feeling of truly being alive.

One must be open to joy.  Many scoff at the new age ideas of mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and the practice of being in the present moment, but aren’t they all aimed towards making us more capable of experiencing joy?  There must be a de-cluttering of the mind and an opening of the heart in order to experience joy.  A slowing down which allows us to enjoy the journeys of the minutes and hours of our days.  The admonition to "be like little children" is a reminder that joy is available to all of us, if we let down our guards and let go of our defenses and live in the now. 
Recently the world has seemed less joyful and more fearful, violent, and divisive.  Even in the midst of this heaviness, there is joy to be felt.  Joyful energy can only make the world a more positive place.  I resolve to seek, create and experience more joy in my life in 2018 and hopefully bring more joy into the world.  Hoping you will join me…….Happy New Year 2018!


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